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Emozioni che restano

passion for beautiful things. 

One step forward, looking beyond. Go where you've never been. See things before they can be seen.
It takes imagination to organize, even anticipating what is not predictable.

Using experience to know how to move, without retracing the same paths.
Inventing a new step each time, beyond and in every direction, towards something unexpected, exciting, and new

Something beautiful.

About me

After my humanistic academic path I was literally overwhelmed ... by events, and by the MICE industry. I have collaborated with the most important agencies, and was Special Event Manager for Tupperware.
I’m telling you this because this is how I learned everything that is now part of me. A background of
experiences, stories, moments, planes, incredible landscapes, unexpected encounters.
I then founded my own
agency and worked with associations and companies, including insurance companies, cosmetic industries, financial institutions, direct sales, publishing houses, and large retailers.
I have also collaborated with other
Live communication agencies.

I think the key of everything is the right mindset  that one can have in whichever field.  Since 2014, I’m a certified Laughter Yoga Leader.

I have learned a lot, but not everything.

Corporate Events
il vostro obiettivo è il nostro

In Vip communication cerchiamo di non lasciare mai nulla al caso: uniamo fantasia e pianificazione per valorizzare persone e brand attraverso esperienze coinvolgenti.​

Siamo specializzati in piani di back up, perchè l'esperienza ci ha insegnato che per quanto si creda di aver pensato a tutto, la realtà supera sempre la fantasia!

Incastriamo con precisione ogni elemento, curiamo ogni particolare, per un risultato finale che sia armonico e straordinario.​

Facciamo tutto questo anche grazie a una solida rete di collaboratori tra i migliori professionisti del settore e a un'attenta ricerca tra numerose location, anche le più inusuali.

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Private events


ogni occasione deve essere speciale

And Ceremonial.
Not only private events like weddings, birthdays and baby showers, but also institutional and more formal events.
We know the bureaucratic procedures and the etiquette: paperwork and good manners so to speak.
For private events, we have the experience and enthusiasm to make your ideas blossom, with the imagination and uniqueness that your special moments deserve.
We have a deep knowledge of the language and the Protocol, which we dedicate to organizing events and managing  communication in the field of public institutions, international and diplomatic relations.
This is the key which allows us to open all doors.

We are hooked on details and we do not miss any.


vivere con eleganza

Meetings, Incentive, Conferences, Exhibitions.
Eyes wide open on all details, we dive into emotional elements. That special something that touches whoever takes part in our events. Including us.
care and attention we pay since the early stages of the project flow into every single step and  stay tuned til the last visitor has left,  leaving in them unforgettable memories.
Whether it is a convention, an experience, a product launch, an incentive, a live show, we bring people and emotions together.

We do not speak "Gen-Z", we speak contemporary.
Platforms, virtual events and the metaverse are our  common language as much as locations, lounges, hotels and destinations you would never think of about.
The  password is: to amaze. Throughout beauty, of course.

Raggiungere un accordo


costruire relazioni 

Saper gestire la propria immagine professionale è più che fondamentale, in un'epoca di personal branding.


Veniamo percepiti per il nostro comportamento, on e off line, e oggi più che mai le soft skills, così care al Galateo Aziendale, sono importanti anche nell'ambiente lavorativo.

Un sorriso, una saluto corretto o una mail ben formulata possono fare una grande differenza, per distinguersi e lasciare un'impronta positiva.

business etiquette

The Arts of Italy

forma e sostanza

Italy is a  casket full of jewels. The brightest well-known ones and the most secret and hidden ones.

Every little fragment of history, art, nature, culture, and traditions, is a delight to know and taste.
Let's discover together itineraries, anecdotes, talents, excellences, stories, paths, heritages: let's + reclaim the beautiful things we have.
Unique and surprising destinations and tales, wonderful flavors and aromas, breathtaking views in the only dream country which boasts 58 sites registered in the Unesco Heritage.
Let's discover them, on a journey pervaded by the beauty of our land, exploring the  several opportunities it offers us.

Parata militare
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